What is psoriasis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic non-infectious diseases of the skin accompanied by the appearance of a reddish-pink rash and flaking of the skin.

The term psoriasis comes from the Greek word psoriasis, which means pruritus or itching. These are the symptoms more clearly characterize this non-infectious dermatological problem. In this dermatosis, the skin of the cell division occurs almost thirty times faster. Since they do not have time to ripen fully, intercellular contacts are lost. This leads to the formation of characteristic scales. Involved in a pathological process and the immune system of the body: the elements of protection, are directed against its own cells which causes chronic inflammation in the lesion. We will describe in more detail the question of what is psoriasis and how to treat it.


Types of psoriasis

There are many classifications of psoriasis, which are based on the severity of the disease, the nature of the lesions, location of lesions, etc. most Often are the following types of diseases:

  1. Plaque (vulgaris) is a big part of all types of psoriasis. It is characterized by the appearance of the traditional plaques covered with white-gray scales.
  2. Guttate psoriasis is the second most common, and is diagnosed in one out of every ten patients. While there are numerous and relatively small eruptions with scales on the entire surface of the body.
  3. Pustular variant is characterized by the formation of pustules.
  4. In Palmar-plantar psoriasis elements are located in the respective parts of the skin.
  5. Exudative variant is different in that the scales are impregnated with a liquid of a yellowish colour that leaks out from the body. Because of this, you can see coalescat and change of color.
  6. Erythroderma is a severe form of the disease, as it affected almost the entire surface of the skin and produce reactions systemic (fever, swelling of lymph nodes, breach of the blood).
  7. Psoriatic arthritis is characterized by involvement of the joint.

Stages of the pathologic process there are distinguished, progressive, stable and retrogressive psoriasis.

The symptoms of psoriasis

Very often, when the development of psoriasis on the surface of the skin becomes stained, covered with grayish white scales, which are easily separated by touch. This symptom is associated with another name for the disease – psoriasis.

The location of the lesions

As a general rule, changes in the skin, which is located in the extender surfaces (elbows, knees) of the large joints. Favorite is the location on the edge of the scalp, and places that are constantly subjected to trauma or friction. However, this feature cannot be considered a criterion diagnosis, from forms rare in lichen scaly affected and other surface of the skin.

Characteristics of the plates

The size of the lesions may be different. The main elements are considered as small papules of bright red or maroon in colour. With time, their size increases significantly, they also tend to merge. In 90% of cases the signs of psoriasis include the education standard of the plates, which are characterized by the triad:

  1. Stearic light spot radius is characterized by gray-white scales, resembling the appearance of shavings from a candle.
  2. If you continue to scratch the surface of the plate, then the removal of all the scales will appear a thin white film called the terminal.
  3. Symptom of blood dew can detect when you remove the terminal protectors. Damage to the papillae of the skin does not produce excessive bleeding and drip.

There are some nominal signs of the disease:

  1. Symptom Kebnera is that psoriatic lesions appear on areas exposed to trauma (rubbing, scratching, etc.). It is characteristic of the advanced stages of the disease.
  2. Symptom Voronova is characterized by the formation of pale ring around the newly formed papules, not covered with scales. It is a kind of vascular reaction and indicates, furthermore, that the progression of the disease.

These symptoms of psoriasis often help to distinguish the disease from other similar dermatoses flow.

the symptoms of psoriasis

Other symptoms

In addition to the skin, when psoriasis affects the nails, hair and joints and internal organs. Changes in the nail plate starts with the Foundation and are characterized by subungual hyperkeratosis. In the future, the surface has grooves, and formed the pitting (a symptom of a thimble). Psoriatic arthritis begins with the destruction of the small joints, accompanied by pain and inflammation phenomena.

For depriving the characteristic scaly itchy skin. That results in the formation of scratches, surface cracks and the tendency to bleeding. In places of trauma can multiply the germs, pathogens, leading to secondary infections and the development of dermatitis.

Causes of psoriasis

Non-communicable nature of the disease was founded in the early 19th century. Since that time continuously carried out numerous studies examining the causes of psoriasis. However, as the majority of the systemic diseases, to find a single reason still fails. There are several theories, each of which has scientific confirmation:

  • Immune theory that the disease is the result of various dysfunctions of the immune system. The foreseeable development of the immune response, resulting in thicker skin accumulates a large number of T-lymphocytes. This leads to chronic inflammation and thickening of the affected area. The theory is confirmed by the fact that the biopsies of the psoriatic plaques it can detect a high concentration of cells in the immune system, as well as the fact that the disease is much affected by the use of immune drugs.
  • The hereditary factor is associated with congenital abnormalities of the genetic material. Scientists have found several regions of DNA, a mutation that can occur in patients with scaly ringworm. These genes are the main responsible for the maturation of the immune cells (T-lymphocytes). So when they break down the likelihood of psoriasis is significantly higher. If the parents suffer from this disease of the skin, the risk of dermatosis in children is 50% higher.
  • Genetic theory is similar to the inheritance, but in this case are considered to be genes, the mutation of which can occur at any age.
  • The endocrine factor is confirmed by the fact that the majority of patients with psoriasis, there are changes in the endocrine organs (pituitary, pancreas and thyroid gland). In addition, these patients often present violation of the synthesis and the excretion of melatonin. Also, the disease can have on the level of sex hormones.
  • Stress and shock can lead to the occurrence of the disease or the worsening of its symptoms. Due to the release of blood of the hormones starts a series of biochemical reactions that result in scaly rashes on the skin.
  • Exchange theory is based on the fact that scientists have identified high levels of lipids in patients with psoriasis. In addition, during the exacerbation of the disease, alteration of nitrogen metabolism and has increased the overall level of toxins in the body.

In fact, all the causes of psoriasis can be classified into two groups:

  • violation of the division of the skin cells;
  • change the immune system.

All the external factors (environment, stress, injury) will only aggravate the disease, but it can't act as a single cause.

Quality of life in patients with psoriasis

Along with other chronic diseases, psoriasis can significantly impair the quality of life of patients who can suffer both physical and psychological discomfort. There are often difficulties with employment and social adaptation. So, sometimes intense itching interferes, with the normal of the rest, and the plates in the hands may limit the performance.

It is especially hard transferred scaly eruption on the scalp. This is due to the fact that these plaques cause some rejection, so that the patients become unsociable, it can be even social anxiety.

The stress due to dissatisfaction with their appearance, constant pain or itching, and immune system disorders often lead to the development of mental disorders (increased anxiety, depression, social isolation). Only a quarter of patients with psoriasis do not feel the psychological distress of the other patients, the disease is a serious hindrance for the normal life.

Among the symptoms of psoriasis, which worsen the quality of life, the itching of the skin, in the second place, pain in the joints in the psoriatic arthritis.

Methods of treatment of psoriasis

Understand what is psoriasis, you have a better idea of the possible methods of treatment. As a chronic disease, then cure it. However, you can greatly alleviate the condition of the patient, the reduction of clinical manifestations. In the framework of an integrated approach for the therapy scaly rash is the use of drugs and techniques of physiotherapy. There are also people advice to help solve the problem.

The drugs and psoriasis

In this disease, the most popular products for external use. The composition can include multiple components, which avoid the excessive division of the cells of the skin, and soften and reduce the itching. Names of drugs are different, but they often contain the following substances:

  1. Glucocorticosteroid hormones, which reduce the inflammation and inhibit the reactivity of the immune system. The local application of the hormones have less pronounced systemic effects. Part of Elocom In advantan.
  2. Vitamin D is part of a large number of medicines for local use. The greater efficacy for the treatment of psoriasis is shown in combination with irradiation with UV.
  3. The tar is used mainly for the treatment of lesions located in the region of the scalp.
  4. Activated zinc quickly reduces redness and itching. This component is practically harmless for the body.

Among the drugs for treating systemic of psoriasis are:

the disease psoriasis treatment
  • the steroids, since they regulate the metabolism and eliminate the inflammation, however, have a clear syndrome;
  • cytostatics inhibit cell division of the epidermis, but along with that weakens the immune system, and slow down the regeneration of other tissues;
  • immunomodulators contribute to the normalization of immune system reactions, but its efficacy is not understood;
  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs only reduce the severity of the itching and inflammation, but have no effect on the principal change.

Vitamins and anti-allergic drugs are used in addition to the main therapy. As there are no truly effective medications to combat the psoriasis, is prescribed in relation to physiotherapy.

Physical therapy

Among the most commonly used procedures for the treatment of systemic disease is psoriasis, assign the following:

  1. Leech therapy where leeches are used. Improves blood circulation and normalizes the immune response.
  2. Fish-doctor, multiplicans in hot springs, helps patients to cleanse the skin of lesions. During the ichthyotherapy these fish literally eat the surface layers of plates on the skin, dipped in the water.
  3. Cryotherapy, during which the patient is placed for several minutes in a chamber with temperature -1300C. After the intervention significantly decreases itching and eliminated the phenomena of inflammation and edema.
  4. Therapy PUVA combines phototherapy and chemotherapy. After the introduction of the drug, which accumulates in cells with high capacity to regenerate, the patient is radiated with light. The latter has a certain wavelength and it helps to activate the photosensitizer. Therefore, it is possible to achieve effects of the university entrance exam.

Sometimes in the treatment of psoriasis is the effective use of homeopathic remedies or folk remedies.

Folk remedies for the treatment of psoriasis

In folk medicine there are many recipes for funds, both for local use and for use inside.

You can cook the ointment and put it at the top of the plates. The most popular are the following recipes:

  1. Mix the infusion and in adipi (1:5), we obtain an effective remedy.
  2. Grind the flowers of Filipendula viscose and mix them with vaseline (1:1). Then heated to 900C and cooled. Store the ointment is not a long time, so it is best to cook in small portions.
  3. To connect with the lard, pine resin and beeswax, heat it on the fire, stirring constantly. Then, add the vitamin from the pharmacy.
  4. Usual birch tar (25 g), vaseline (10 g), boric acid (5 g), honey (15 g), protein eggs, fish oil (5 g) very good mix and put in a container dark. Apply this cream should be only once a day.
  5. Ointment of elecampane helps with the worsening of the disease.

Traditional medicines for ingestion are usually aimed at maintaining immunity and reducing inflammation and itching:

  1. Kvass from oats is prepared from 700 g of grain, three liters of water and five tablespoons large sugar. All this should infuse for two days.
  2. The infusion of bay leaf is taken orally to 100 ml.
  3. To prepare a tincture of the buds of the Sophora, it is necessary to have 500 ml of vodka and 50 g of dry raw material, then place in a month in a dark place. Take a teaspoon.
  4. A decoction of fennel seed helps to eliminate symptoms of acute, and also has a slight sedative and calming effect.

Baths with the addition of the copper sulfate is also used for the treatment of psoriasis.